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News & Tips, Web Marketing Ideas For Small Business Operators
Thanks for taking the time to stop by. VTG Business Group is a Web Design and Digital Marketing Services agency. We specialize in solutions for Small Business owners and operators. Our passion is to help them find new customers and grow sales. As we discover information that looks like it could be beneficial to our clients and friends, we will post it here. You can make sure you never miss an article by joining our mailing list. As you are aware, the internet changes faster than we could ever post about it, but we try to keep relevant issues covered on our blog. If we can help you directly, please reach out to us on our contact link from the top menu.
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The ‘Selfie’ Era: How Cosmetic Doctors & Dentists See Changes in Consumer Behavior
The Mobile Internet and the Changing Consumer Behavior Before the widespread introduction of digital technology, most cosmetic surgeons’ marketing efforts…